Onco-Haematology Clinic

A Clínica de Onco-Hematologia é uma clínica dedicada ao tratamento das doenças malignas do sangue. O Linfoma, a Leucemia e a Mielodisplasia são os tipos de cancro mais comuns com origem nas células do sangue.
Número de Doentes
9 dias
Tempo médio de espera 1ª consulta
Doentes em Ensaios Clínicos
*Dados relativos ao ano de 2019/2020

The Onco-Haematology Clinic is dedicated to treating the blood’s malignant diseases.

Although the patient’s approach is multidisciplinary, because several other Services contribute to this treatment, from which we may stand out the Radiotherapy Service, the Pathological Anatomy Service, the Imaging Department, etc., the patient receives a customized service in the first consultation, where he is given an assistant physician who shall be responsible for the entire patient’s guidance during his/her course within the hospital.

To assure quality, all patients are debated in a Multidisciplinary Group Consultation where the main therapeutic plan is defined.



Onco-Haematology Clinic
Médico Orientador
Dr. José Mário Mariz
Enfermeiro Coordenador
Enf. Isabel Araújo


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Edifício Principal, piso 3