Endocrine Tumours Clinic

A Clínica de Tumores Endócrinos é uma unidade multidisciplinar que congrega recursos técnicos e humanos de elevada qualidade, orientados para a prestação de todos os cuidados de saúde exigidos pelos doentes com tumores endócrinos.
Número de Doentes
Doentes em Ensaio Clínico
*Dados relativos a 2019/2020

The Endocrine Tumours Clinic is a multidisciplinary unit that gathers high quality technical and human resources, guided towards providing every healthcare service the patients with endocrine tumours need.

The multidisciplinary approach to patients with endocrine tumours seeks to effectively provide high quality services and improve them through emerging technologies and advances in the clinical and basic research, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, in the various healthcare services.

Its mission is the development and improvement of the healthcare services provided to patients with oncological endocrine pathology, promoting excellence, through the clinical services, of education and research.


Endocrine Tumours Clinic
Médico Orientador
Dr. Pedro Antunes
Enfermeiro Coordenador
Enf. Lurdes Carvalho


225 084 000
225 084 001
Edifício Principal, piso 3