Digestive Pathology Clinic

A Clínica de Patologia Digestiva conta com o apoio de todas as especialidades que se incluem na lista de colaboradores e valências e orienta todos os doentes tratados no IPO-Porto por doenças oncológicas do tubo digestivo e glândulas anexas. Tem capacidade para diagnosticar e tratar todas as doenças oncológicas digestivas.
Número de Doentes
9 dias
Tempo médio de espera 1ª consulta
Doentes em Ensaio Clínico
*Dados relativos ao ano de 2019/2020

The success of an institution in curing cancer is as big as its ability to provide multidisciplinary teams of professionals with knowledge, well trained and with an activity so well-articulated that it allows individualizing and optimizing, for each patient, a treatment plan that may be considered ideal in light of the evidences of science.

To the organization of these professionals, the physical space where they conduct their work and for the different technical means they use in an activity towards the treatment of a certain disease, we call Pathology Clinic.

IPO-Porto counts on different clinical units, organized to provide healthcare in several areas of oncological pathology, with the ability of providing service according to the highest international quality standards.

The Digestive Pathology Clinic counts on the support of all the specialities named on the employees and departments’ list and guides all patients treated in IPO-Porto for oncological diseases of the digestive tract and annex glands. It has the ability of diagnosing and treating all digestive oncological diseases.

The guidelines to treat an oncological patient must be determined by a group of physicians including, at least, one representative of each of the specialities which may come to be involved in that same treatment (Multidisciplinary Group Consultation). In the case of digestive diseases, these specialities are mainly Surgery, Medical Oncology and Radiotherapy.

After a first evaluation in a Surgical Oncology or Medical Oncology consultation, all cases are submitted for debate in a group consultation where an integrated plan of treatment is established.

The professionals always try that this process, often demanding the execution of multiple exams, is swift, conducted with the utmost comfort possible and the least amount of visits from the patients to IPO-Porto, looking for cooperation and promoting the information from colleagues of the external Health Units in due time.

Therefore, it is fundamental that all possible information is reported to us when referencing patients to this clinic.

Also, and whenever possible, the Digestive Pathology Clinic tries to define follow-up strategies after treatment on the Local Health Units – Primary Care Units or Hospitals from the area of residence, to avoid the discomfort of doing too many trips to the Institute.


Digestive Pathology Clinic
Médico Orientador
Dr. José Flávio Videira
Enfermeiro Coordenador
Enf. Fátima Gomes


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Edifício Principal, piso 3