Molecular Oncology & Viral Pathology Group

The main aim of the Group, established in 2002, is the characterization of molecular mechanisms associated with cancer development and response to treatment, through the identification of molecular biomarkers, such as genetic polymorphisms, mRNAs, microRNAs, LncRNAs and viral genomes. Within the scope of Precision Medicine, the Group is focused on the study and identification of circulating biomarkers, analyzed by minimally invasive techniques, with clinical applicability, focusing its studies on the definition of risk groups, optimization of therapeutic strategies and study of the communication network established between hosts and tumor microenvironment.


Rui Medeiros, PharmD, PhD
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3010-8373/C51F-5DBE-9C51
Head of Molecular Oncology and Viral Pathology Group | Director of Research Department from Portuguese League Against Cancer – North Branch | Board member European Cancer Organization

Senior Investigators

Hugo Sousa, MD, PhD
ORCID ID/CIÊNCIA ID: 0000-0001-5795-2131
Superior Technician


Junior Researchers

Ana Luísa Pereira Teixeira, PhD
ORCID ID/ CIÊNCIA ID: 0000-0002-7489-2211/ 391C-0BD8-CCF0

Francisca Guilherme Carvalho Dias, PhD
ORCID ID/ CIÊNCIA ID: 0000-0002-4993-4467 / 851B-027C-DCB3


Invited Researchers

Áurea Rosa Nunes Pereira Lima, MD, PhD
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-9779-0584/ A212-12E7-7E9E
Medical Oncology, Resident @ Centro Hospitalar de Entre-Douro e Vouga

Carina Sofia Teixeira Fernandes, PhD
IORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-8258-1448/ 5A1B-358C-C56C
Assistant Professor @ University Fernando Pessoa

Maria de Fátima Araújo Magalhães Cerqueira, PhD
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0003-4513-4654/ CF14-52ED-5DA0
Associate Professor @ University Fernando Pessoa

Maria Raquel Silva
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0001-8170-3119/ 2518-6117-FB25
Associate Professor @ University Fernando Pessoa

Mariana Gomes Morais, PhD
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0001-8406-8210/ 4215-FC71-B1B7
Operations Manager-MEERU | Make Way

Marlene Elisabete Moreira dos Santos Lima
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0001-5020-5942/ 8311-B967-31C4
Coordinating Professor @ The School of Health (ESS)

Mónica Patrícia Silva Gomes, PhD
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0001-9947-5775/ 5B1A-9FE9-A3AA
PostDoc Researcher | Superior Technician @ Portuguese League Against Cancer – North

Rui Miguel Gil da Costa Oliveira, PhD
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-2151-2449/ 0318-98C4-ADCF
Senior Visiting Professor@ University of Maranhão


Research Assistant

Beatriz Ferreira Almeida, BSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-1674-3576/ E013-DC6E-0137

Beatriz Neto, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-5955-9904/ 2617-E240-6096


Other collaborators/ Superior Technicians

Catarina Castro, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-8970-6493/ 0317-97B3-F4C7
Superior Technician

Tatiana Nunes Varandas, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-5125-3273/ 4F17-4D1E-F11F
Superior Technician

PhD Students

Ana Carolina da Mota Carvalho Ferreira, MD, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0001-5400-9447/ C913-FCA3-A39D

Ana da Conceição Saraiva e Sousa, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-3128-3328/ AB17-B086-334A

Andreia Filipa da Silva Rosário, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0003-4348-0596/ C31C-5972-87F7

Beatriz Medeiros Fonseca, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-3909-5903/ 531E-32B9-9138

Carla Manuela Moutinho Silva Campos, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 000-002-6220-4469/ A71C-B158-BC1F

Isabel Meireles, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0003-4513-4654/ CF14-52ED-5DA0

Tânia Rôlo Dias, MSc
Ciência ID: F31A-CC37-EC54

Tiago Terras Ferreira
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0002-6652-9770/ 5812-0F6E-B44E

Valéria Delgado Tavares, MSc
ORCID ID/ Ciência ID: 0000-0003-3680-7757/ B715-3863-A1DA


MSc Students

Ângela Alves; Email:
Ana Leão; Email:
Ian Soto; Email:
Inês Marques; Email:
Inês Melo; Email:
Inês Mota; Email:
Mariana Ferreira; Email:
Vânia Dias; Email:



One major line of research is to try clarify the dynamic network that is established between the host and tumor microenvironment, analyzing several types of molecular biomarkers (genetic polymorphisms, mRNAs, microRNAs, LncRNAs and viral genomes) to improve our predictive capacity. The key goal of our research will be the development of rational pharmacogenomics algorithms based on a patient’s genomic profile in association with other molecular biomarkers, demographics factors, disease state, as well as other co-administered drugs to improve patient’s management using mainly a liquid biopsy and a Precision Medicine approach. Furthermore, considering the key role of several virus in oncobiology, the group also develops studies in the field of tumor virology, studying the association of viral pathogenesis (SARS-CoV, HPV, CMV and Epstein-Barr Virus) with carcinogenesis.


  • OnCOVac.PT; Evaluation of the Immunologic Response to COVID-19 Vaccination in Oncological Patients
    Funded by AstraZeneca; Budget: 460 000.00€
    PI and Co-PI: Júlio Oliveira | Rui Medeiros

The Portuguese Health Authorities declared the existence of active community transmission of COVID-19 virus since 26 of March 2020 and state of emergency was declared in order to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Reported illnesses have ranged from very mild to severe, including illness resulting in death. Cancer patients are more susceptible to infection compared to healthy people and noncancer patients. That predisposition has been historically related to the systemic malignancy-related immunosuppressive state and to active disease-oriented treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Despite the limited data, medical organizations and cancer experts indicate for vaccination most cancer patients. However, more data are needed on the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the effect of vaccine booster doses, in people with compromised immune systems. Therefore, it is expected that cancer patients would be more prone to have a weaker response to vaccination. In addition, the non-responders to the vaccine will be at greater risk of developing COVID-19 infection, and subsequent complications. The importance of this issue is growing in the scientific community since there are new anti-COVID-19 therapies emerging that could benefit the non-responders and prevent them from developing aggressive forms of infection. Therefore, it is imperative to study the immunological response of cancer patients to booster doses of COVID-19 vaccination to get more insight on the percentage of non-responders and to study new molecular, genetic and epigenetic biomarkers that enable the distinction between responders and non-responders.


Almeida B, Dias TR, Teixeira AL, Dias F, Medeiros R. MicroRNAs Derived from Extracellular Vesicles: Keys to Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Response in Cancer Patients? Cancers (Basel). 2023 Aug 8;15(16):4017. doi: 10.3390/cancers15164017

Dias TR, Dias F, Teixeira AL, Sousa H, Oliveira J, Medeiros R. MicroRNAs as Potential Tools for Predicting Cancer Patients’ Susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Vaccination Response. Cells. 2022;11(15), doi: 10.3390/cells11152279


  • PAINLESS; Pain relief in palliative care of cancer using home-based neuromodulation and predictive biomarkers
    Funded by European Union, Horizon Europe Initiative HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04 (2022-2027)
    Ref.: 101057243; Budget: 5 952 245.00 € (IPO Porto 342 250.00 €)
    PI@IPO Porto: Rui Medeiros
    Project Team: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, IPO Porto, Servizo Galego de Saude, Universitaets medizing Goettingen, Aalborg Universitet, Hospice Casa Sperantei, Technion -Israel Institute of Technology, Institutul Oncologic Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu Bucuresti, European Association of Palliative Care, European Cancer Patient Coalition, Neuroconn Gmbh, Betthera S.r.o., Software Imagination &Vision Srl, Qst.lab, Mentalab Gmbh, Association Europeenne des Ligues Contre Le Cancer Asbl

More than 50% of cancer patients develop pain before death: 80% can be treated with drugs, but 20% show a low response or have serious adverse effects. Although non-pharmacological interventions such as neurosurgical procedures have been tested, these alternatives are not a preferred option to treat cancer pain due to their high cost, risk, invasiveness and not always proven efficacy. PAINLESS addresses a core component of pain relief, by using an innovative, evidence-based approach. The objective is to adapt and implement a novel, cost-effective, home-based intervention based on neuromodulation to reduce pain and improve quality of life of cancer patients with chronic pain. On the assumption that treatment of chronic pain can benefit from research on the brain mechanisms of pain, we will first attempt to improve our understanding of the role of central pain modulation. The project will be organized in 3 studies: 1) A cohort, longitudinal study to explore whether the biomarkers of central pain modulation mechanisms can be predictive of the future occurrence of chronic pain in cancer patients; 2) A cross-sectional study to characterize and stratify cancer patients with vs. without chronic pain; 3) A pilot study to assess the feasibility an efficacy of at-home delivery of transcranial low intensity electric stimulation (tES) for the palliative care of cancer patients suffering from pain PAINLESS will develop a customized web portal to share knowledge and to improve management of the patients; perform technoeconomic analyses and Health Technology Assessment of the solution; analyze the possibilities of implementation in different European healthcare systems and results exploitation; and undertake an ambitious dissemination and communication strategy. We will also propose a wide range of measures to ensure compliance with the highest ethical standards.


  • EXOmiRs4RCC; Renal cell carcinoma-derived exosome: the microRNA content as a new disease predictive biomarker and an opportunity to invasive/metastatic disease management under the genetic background
    REF: CI-IPOP-21-2015;
    02/01/2019 – 30/12/2025
    Budget: 5000€
    PI and Co-PI: Ana Luísa Teixeira | Rui Medeiros

One of the biggest paradigms in oncobiology is the lack of evidence regarding what causes a tumor to metastasize. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of the metastatic process will significantly improve the clinical management of the disease. The analysis of circulating miRNAs may provide an opportunity for the definition of new and more accessible molecular biomarkers, useful for renal cell carcinoma progression motoring, opening new possibilities for the development of new targeted therapies. Extracellular vesicles-related miRNAs (EVs-miRNAs) may be useful to characterize the disease progression, allowing therapeutic adjustment before the development of metastases, improving patient survival. The analysis of an EVs-miRNAs profile, which could be analyzed in blood samples, may be a more accurate and less invasive strategy, with the capacity to predict disease progression.
Additionally, the identification of functional genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding proteins involved in the biogenesis of miRNAs could be a useful and complementary approach in understanding their regulation.


Teixeira AL, Patrão AS, Dias F, Silva C, Vieira I, Silva JF, Ferreira M, Morais A, Maurício J and Medeiros R. AGO2 expression levels and related genetic polymorphisms: influence in renal cell progression and aggressive phenotypes. Pharmacogenomics 2021. 22(16):1069-1079, doi: 10.2217/pgs-2021-0072

Dias F; Teixeira AL; Nogueira I; Morais M; Maia J; Bodo C; Ferreira M; Silva A; Vilhena M; Lobo, J; et al. Extracellular Vesicles Enriched in hsa-miR-301a-3p and hsa-miR-1293 Dynamics in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients: Potential Biomarkers of Metastatic Disease. Cancers (Basel) 2020, 12, doi:10.3390/cancers12061450

Dias F.; Teixeira AL; Nogueira I; Morais M; Maia J; Bodo C; Ferreira M; Vieira I; Silva J; Lobo J; et al. Plasma Extracellular Vesicle-Derived TIMP-1 mRNA as a Prognostic Biomarker in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Pilot Study. Int J MolSci 2020, 21, doi:10.3390/ijms21134624


  • EUPICPHARMADCP; Pharmacogenomic determinants of therapeutic response of urogynecological cancer
    REF.: CI-IPOP-22-2015
    01/01/2016 – 30/12/2025
    Budget: 5000€
    PI: Rui Medeiros

This line of research aims the characterization of the molecular mechanisms associated with the cancer onset and with therapeutic outcome, through the identification of molecular biomarkers. Within the framework of Precision Medicine, the aim is especially focused on the study and validation of circulating cancer biomarkers with clinical relevance. Patients’ stratification and optimization of current therapy approaches are important outcomes (Pharmacogenomics and Molecular Epidemiology) from this knowledge. Since the beginning, Molecular Oncology and Viral Pathology Group research on Pharmacogenomics and Comparative Personalized Medicine or Precision Medicine incorporated individualized genetic information to understand how this individuality may influence therapeutic responses, drug efficacy, drug side effects, and adverse events related to drug therapy.


Neto BV, Tavares V, da Silva JB, Liz-Pimenta J, Marques IS, Carvalho L, Salgado L, Pereira D, Medeiros R. Thrombogenesis-associated genetic determinants as predictors of thromboembolism and prognosis in cervical cancer. Sci Rep. 2023, 13 1: 9519-9519.

Silva J, Tavares V, Afonso A, Garcia J, Cerqueira F, Medeiros R. Plasmatic MicroRNAs and Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: A Hospital-Based Cohort Study and In Silico Analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 2023, 24 10: 9101-9101.

Abreu, SC, Tavares, V, Carneiro, F and Medeiros, R. Venous thromboembolism and prostate cancer: what about genetic markers? Pharmacogenomics. 2021, 22, doi:

Afonso, A.; Silva, J.; Lopes, A.R.; Coelho, S.; Patrão, A.S.; Rosinha, A.; Carneiro, F.; Pinto, A.R.; Maurício, M.J.; Medeiros, R. YB-1 variant and androgen receptor axis-targeted agents in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients. Pharmacogenomics 2020, 21, 919-928, doi:10.2217/pgs-2020-0008

Tavares, V, Pinto, R, Assis, J, Coelho, S, Brandão, M, Alves, S, Pereira, D and Medeiros, Implications of venous thromboembolism GWAS reported genetic makeup in the clinical outcome of ovarian cancer patients. The pharmacogenomics journal. 2021, 21) DOI:

Cardoso J, Medeiros R, Dias F, Costa I, Ferrari R, Berardo P and Perini J. DROSHA rs10719 and DICER rs3742330 polymorphisms in endometriosis and different diseases: Case-control and review studies. Exp Mol Pathol 2021, 119:104616. Doi: 10.1016/j.yexmp.2021.104616

Brausi, M.; Hoskin, P.; Andritsch, E.; Banks, I.; Beishon, M.; Boyle, H.; Colecchia, M.; Delgado-Bolton, R.; Höckel, M.; Leonard, K.; et al. ECCO Essential Requirements for Quality Cancer Care: Prostate cancer. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2020, 148, 102861, doi:10.1016/j.critrevonc.2019.102861.

Morais, M.; Dias, F.; Resende, T.; Nogueira, I.; Oliveira, J.; Maurício, J.; Teixeira, A.L.; Medeiros, R. Leukocytetelomerelength and hTERT genetic polymorphism rs2735940 influence the renal cell carcinoma clinical outcome. Future Oncol 2020, 16, 1245-1255, doi:10.2217/fon-2019-0795

Morais, M.; Dias, F.; Teixeira, A.L.; Medeiros, R. Telomere Length in Renal Cell Carcinoma: The Jekyll and Hyde Biomarker of Ageing of the Kidney. Cancer Manag Res 2020, 12, 1669-1679, doi:10.2147/cmar.S211225

Pinto, A.R.; Silva, J.; Pinto, R.; Medeiros, R. Aggressive prostate cancer phenotype and genome-wide association studies: where are we now? Pharmacogenomics 2020, 21, 487-503, doi:10.2217/pgs-2019-0123

Tavares, V.; Pinto, R.; Assis, J.; Pereira, D.; Medeiros, R. Venous thromboembolism GWAS reported genetic makeup and the hallmarks of cancer: Linkage to ovarian tumour behaviour. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer 2020, 1873, 188331, doi:10.1016/j.bbcan.2019.188331

Cardoso, J.V.; Perini, J.A.; Machado, D.E.; Pinto, R.; Medeiros, R. Systematic review of genome-wide association studies on susceptibility to endometriosis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2020, 255, 74-82, doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2020.10.017


  • MIRNAVIRAL; microRNA-mediated viral regulation of the tumor microenvironment
    REF.: CI-IPOP-66-2017
    01/01/2018 – 30/12/2025
    Budget: 5000€
    PI: Rui Medeiros

High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) is the etiologic agent of several types of cancer. Tissue Microenvironment role as either a driving or opposing force for cancer progression remains controversial. MicroRNAs/LncRNAs are proposed to be dysregulated in several HPV-induced cancers, and can influence cell biology. This study/line of research aims to evaluate MicroRNAs/LncRNAs potentially regulating this process.


Costa AC, Santos JMO, Medeiros-Fonseca B, Oliveira PA, Bastos MMSM, Brito HO, Gil da Costa RM, Medeiros R. Characterizing the Inflammatory Microenvironment in K14-HPV16 Transgenic Mice: Mast Cell Infiltration and MicroRNA Expression.
Cancers (Basel). 2022 Apr 28;14(9):2216, doi: 10.3390/cancers14092216

Dias TR, Santos JMO, Estêvão D, Costa NR, Mestre VF, Medeiros-Fonseca B, Bastos MMSM, Oliveira PA, Gil DA Costa RM, Medeiros R. Expression of LncRNAs in HPV-induced Carcinogenesis and Cancer Cachexia: A Study in K14-HPV16 Mice.
Anticancer Res. 2022 May;42(5):2443-2460, doi: 10.21873/anticanres.15723

Brito HO, Calixto JRR, Medeiros R, da Costa RMG. Comment on DKK1 inhibits canonical Wnt signaling in human papillomavirus-positive penile cancer cells. Transl Oncol. 2022 Feb;16:101326, doi: 10.1016/j.tranon.2021.101326

Dias, T.R., Santos, J.M.O.,Gil da Costa, R.M.,Medeiros, R., Long non-coding RNAs regulate the hallmarks of cancer in HPV-induced malignancies, Crit Rev Oncol Hematol, 161 (2021) 103310, doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2021.103310

Costa, A.C., Santos, J.M.O., Gil da Costa, R.M.,Medeiros, R., Impact of immune cells on the hallmarks of cancer: A literature review. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol, 168 (2021) 103541 DOI

Mestre, V.F.; Medeiros-Fonseca, B.; Estêvão, D.; Casaca, F.; Silva, S.; Félix, A.; Silva, F.; Colaço, B.; Seixas, F.; Bastos, M.M.; Medeiros R et al. HPV16 is sufficient to induce squamous cell carcinoma specifically in the tongue base in transgenic mice. The Journal of Pathology 2020, 251, 4-11, doi:10.1002/path.5387

Peixoto da Silva S, Santos JMO, Mestre VF, Medeiros-Fonseca B, Oliveira PA, M MSMB, Gil da Costa RM, Medeiros R: Human papillomavirus 16-transgenic mice as a model to study cancer-associated cachexia. Internationaljournal of molecular sciences 2020, 21(14).


  • NeutroSAC; Cachexia Anorexia Syndrome and its Clinical, Pharmacogenomic and Biochemistry
    REF.: CI-IPOP-118-2019
    Budget: 5000€
    PI: Rui Medeiros

A syndrome called cachexia is often present in cancer patients, increasing morbidity and mortality. It is known that inflammatory cytokines are key players during the development of this syndrome. Furthermore, microRNAs have also emerged as important molecules in cachexia. We hypothesize that microRNAs may act as mediators in inflammation-induced cachexia.


Mota INR, Satari S, Marques IS, Santos JMO, Medeiros R. Adipose tissue rearrangement in cancer cachexia: The involvement of β3-adrenergic receptor associated pathways. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. 2024 May;1879(3):189103. doi: 10.1016/j.bbcan.2024.189103

Liz-Pimenta J, Tavares V, Neto BV, Santos JMO, Guedes CB, Araújo A, Khorana AA, Medeiros R. Thrombosis and cachexia in cancer: Two partners in crime? Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2023 Jun;186:103989. doi: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2023.103989.

Dias TR, Santos JMO, Estêvão D, Costa NR, Mestre VF, Medeiros-Fonseca B, Bastos MMSM, Oliveira PA, Gil DA Costa RM, Medeiros R. Expression of LncRNAs in HPV-induced Carcinogenesis and Cancer Cachexia: A Study in K14-HPV16 Mice. Anticancer Res. 2022 May;42(5):2443-2460. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.15723. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.15723.

Santos JMO, Peixoto da Silva S, Bastos MMSM, Oliveira PA, Gil da Costa RM, Medeiros R. Decoding the role of inflammation-related microRNAs in cancer cachexia: a study using HPV16-transgenic mice and in silico approaches. J Physiol Biochem. 2022 May;78(2):439-455. doi: 10.1007/s13105-021-00866-1.

Santos JMO, Costa AC, Dias TR, Satari S, Costa E Silva MP, da Costa RMG, Medeiros R. Towards Drug Repurposing in Cancer Cachexia: Potential Targets and Candidates. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2021 Oct 26;14(11):1084. doi:10.3390/ph14111084.


Selected publications (up to five)

Tavares I, Morais M, Dias F, Medeiros R, Teixeira AL. Deregulated miRNAs in enzalutamide resistant prostate cancer: A comprehensive review of key molecular alterations and clinical outcomes. Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer. 2024 Mar;1879(2):189067, doi: 10.1016/j.bbcan.2023.189067.

Rosário A, Sousa A, Varandas T, Marinho-Dias J, Medeiros R, Martins G, Monteiro P, Sousa H. Impact of cervicovaginal microbiome on the risk of cervical abnormalities development. J Med Virol. 2023;95(5):e28762, doi: 10.1002/jmv.28762

Rosário A, Sousa A, Marinho-Dias J, Medeiros R, Lobo C, Leça L, Coimbra N, Tavares F, Baldaque I, Martins G, Monteiro P, Henrique R, Sousa H. Impact of high-risk Human Papillomavirus genotyping in cervical disease in the Northern region of Portugal: Real-world data from regional cervical cancer screening program. J Med Virol. 2023;95(1):e28414 doi10.1002/jmv.28414

Almeida B, Dias TR, Teixeira AL, Dias F, Medeiros R. MicroRNAs Derived from Extracellular Vesicles: Keys to Understanding SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Response in Cancer Patients? Cancers (Basel). 2023 Aug 8;15(16):4017. doi: 10.3390/cancers15164017.

Almeida C, Teixeira AL, Dias F, Morais M, Medeiros R. Extracellular Vesicles as Potential Therapeutic Messengers in Cancer Management. Biology (Basel). 2023 Apr 27;12(5):665. doi: 10.3390/biology12050665.



Adhemar Longatto, School of Life and Health Sciences at the University of Minho

Alberto Araújo, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto

Bruno Costa-Silva, Champallimaud Foundation

Fátima Barroso, ISEP | REQUIMTE LAQV

Herlander Marques, School of Life and Health Sciences at the University of Minho

João Prior, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto | REQUIMTE LAQV

José Carlos Machado, IPATIMUP/ I3S

Margarida Bastos, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto

Paula A.M. Oliveira, Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro



David Boutolleau, Universidade Sorbonne, UPMC Université, Centre d’Immunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses, France
Paris, France;

Jamila Perini, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswald Cruz, Brazil

Kirsi Mikkonen, Department of Food and Nutrition Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Florestry, Helsinki University, Finland

Klaas Kok, Departamento Genética, Universidade Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), The Netherlands

Patrícia Figueiredo, Department of Food and Nutrition Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Florestry, Helsinki University, Finland

Peter S. Nelson, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC), USA

Rui Gil da Costa, Federal University of Maranhão, Brazil



+351 225084000 (Ext: 5115| 5109)
CI-LAB2, 1st Floor, E Building