Clinical Research Unit
The Clinical Research Unit, created in the beginning of 2006 and located on the 5th floor of the Medicine Building, has the following primary objectives: attract to IPO-Porto the best Clinical Trials in the world; support their execution, monitor the compliance of the respective protocols and procedures, promoting involvement of the largest possible number of professionals in the institution. As a consequence of the work developed, supported by a professionalized team, a progressive and sustained growth of Clinical Trials and patients recruited has been registered, reducing the implementation time, with the consequent gain in competitiveness. For these reasons, IPO-Porto is currently a reference centre for Clinical Trials performed in Portugal in the large majority of pathologies treated in the institution. Being present at the highest level of Clinical Trials demands great discipline and dedication from all professionals. The Clinical Research Unit expects to maintain, in the next few years, the sustained growth in performance and encourage participation in Clinical Trials in even earlier phases (Phase I and II), namely with the creation of a specific unit for Phase I Trials. To make these objectives come true, IPO-Porto counts on the cooperation of everyone.