Sobre o IPO
The oncological patient is the centre around which all assistance activity shall be built, so the human and technical means shall be organized to provide customized, homogeneous and wide healthcare services.
Keeping this focus on the patient, IPO-Porto organizes in multidisciplinary units by pathology, called Pathology Clinics, which are the basis of all assistance structure.
“Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil, E.P.E.” is a corporate public entity. It is governed by a Management Board, named by the Government shareholders, which answers for the technical, human and financial good operation of the Institution. It is a legal person of public law, of corporate nature, with financial, secretarial and property independence.
Management Board
Counselling Board
Internal Auditor
Constitution of the Management Board
José Maria Laranja Pontes, MD
Clinical Director
Rosa Begonha, MD
Nurse Director
Maria Isabel Dias Sequeira, RGN
Francisco Nuno Rocha Gonçalves
Ilídio José Nunes de Oliveira Cadilhe